Contact and Support

More information about RapidWeaver can be found in the Realmac Software Knowledge Base. Check out also the videos on the RapidWeaver Community Site.

For more information about the Stacks Plugin, head over to the YourHead Software Knowledge Base.

After purchasing one of our products, you are getting 2 emails from Paddle, our eCommerce partner.

The first one contains the invoice, the second the download link. If you did not get the email with the download link, check your SPAM folder. If the email is also not available there, go to your Paddle locker to download the product.

All purchases performed after 2016-04-01 are available inside your Paddle locker for re-download.

Some of our stacks are requiring server side PHP, e.g. Gallery Stack. With this, the published page also requires the file extension .php, which will be enforced automatically by the stack.

If you have an existing page, which was already published some time ago, this page might have the file extension .html. When putting a stack, which requires PHP, to this existing page, the page extension will be switched from .html to .php.

RapidWeaver does not delete the existing .html file from the server during publishing, and the web server will first server the .html file to the browser. With that, you will still see the old content from the .html file, and not the new content, which exists only in the .php file.

In order to get the new content displayed, you have to delete the old .html file from the server manually with an FTP application.

Check our support forum on Stacks4ALL.

If you require support with our Stacks or have a feature request, send us an email.

inStacks Software

The place for innovative Stacks for RapidWeaver, which are focusing on integration and effectiveness.
All Stacks require RapidWeaver 8 or Classic from RealMac Software and the Stacks Plugin from YourHead.

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